Monday, June 16, 2008

the comedy boner

I have this idea where you'd walk around in public with a huge boner. It'd have to be straight-faced, you'd be going about your normal business, only you'd have a totally obvious boner sticking straight out in your pants. The trick to a male over the age of 18 would be how to sustain the comedy boner, since boners tend to lose interest when they aren't used in the way God intended them to be (the God I'm talking about is into all kinds of stuff, it's cool). I guess frequent fluffing trips to the bathroom? Maybe some medicinal help? I think the comedic effect depends on it being a real boner, so prosthetics and falsies are out.

How am I gonna do this?

Nobody said it was gonna be easy to make people laugh. Nobody said it was gonna be easy.

Figure 12: Will Ferrell kind of already did the comedy boner


Anonymous said...

The guys from Jackass already did this.

matty lite said...

What? Those dicks. I mean, those dicks.

Anonymous said...

what are you laughing at? THE JOKE IS IN YOUR HAND!


Matthew Frederick said...

Shakespeare already wrote a whole play about comedy boners. It's called A Comedy of Errors.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.