Sunday, May 18, 2008

the sexual revolution: I don't buy it

Man, fuckin' ex-hippies are so self-congratulatory. They think they invented sex. And the concept of personal freedom. They didn't even invent being too lazy to find out all the people who did the same shit before they did. People have been fucking, feeling free, and being lazy since the dawn of time, I bet. That's what I bet. I'm no historian. But I do sometimes see a few seconds of a history channel documentary, and I usually come away pissed off at ex-hippies taking responsibility for basic facts of human existence. They didn't even invent sex the way George Washington Carver invented the peanut. They didn't even invent sex the way Newton invented gravity. They maybe invented sex like Steak-n-Shake invented the steakburger. Maybe.


Anonymous said...

but fucking with bad taste in music, that was exciting and new

Milla said...

Milla said...

first picture there

Anonymous said...

But have you ever fucked a steak sandwich?

matty lite said...

I have cut up half a leftover steak sandwich, mixed it with chopped up olives, cream cheese, and rice, and put it in a flour tortilla, and grilled it into a burrito, and fucked that burrito. But people have been doing that shit since the days of the ancient Mayans.