Friday, August 08, 2008

Two (2) things on this Friday morning

1.) I was gonna post a video of Bruce Springsteen's "I'm on Fire," but I actually didn't really like the video. Doesn't do the song too much justice. How about instead you just go find it on youtube but then turn down your brightness on your monitor all the way and just, like, imaginate.

1.5) Have you noticed that if you want to hear a song you can always find it on youtube? And half the time there will be kind of a Ken Burns panning shot of a low-res image of the album cover?


  • I am in love.
  • It is with the "unordered list" html tag.
  • Seriously. I love it.
  • This is not some clever metaphor. I am in love with an html tag.

2.5) My inner Dr. Phil tells me I seem to have a crush on unattainability.

2.75) My inner Popeye just punched my inner Dr. Phil. I have a headache. I have to go now.

Figure 12: I yam what I yam, and though I yam suffering
the Slings and Arrowes of outragious Fortune, I yam gonna take Armes and Leaves of fyne Spinache against a Sea of troubles


Matthew Frederick said...

This isn't just some clever metaphor. It's a fucking lizard.

Anonymous said...

i sample music all the time on youtube--it's great.