Tuesday, February 14, 2006

whence matty lite

Matty Lite is my bowling name. My karaoke name too. Needless to say, Matty Lite is my cosmic-karaoke-bowling name as well. And finally, Matty Lite is my name all across the internets on whatever things I join on the internets. In case you didn't notice, Matty Lite is a pun on a commonly used affectionate nickname for Natural Light. It isn't my fault that this nickname is so similar to the nickname of my good friend matty fred. I'm not sure how that ended up that way. And to be honest I could count on one hand the natty lites I remember drinking in my days. And nobody has really ever called me Matty, either. I have no explanation for myself.

So really, all I'm trying to accomplish here is to set the tone for a couple themes I imagine will rule the day on this here blog: I am fiercely dedicated to stupid jokes and puns, and most of the stories I tell will be of the shaggy dog variety.


Anonymous said...


matty lite said...

Whoa-- how did you know this existed before I told anyone? Damn.

Anonymous said...

sitemeter. it knows all!