Friday, December 18, 2009

S.F.F.S.P. Episode 12: The Tot-Rito

  • Get a flour tortilla, a pretty big one, preferably one of those awesome ones I think they must make with lard or something that come in bags unmarked except with a ruler to measure the diameter.
  • Have your roommate be just taking some onion-flavored tater tots out of the oven.
  • Put about 10 tater tots on your tortilla.
  • Put some ketchup, some sriracha, and some mayo on there.
  • Microwave it for too long, in order to make the tortilla do that thing where it gets kinda dry and crunchy.
  • It sure tasted good last night, though it may never again...

1 comment:

ted koppel said...

asking about looking sexy & hot in the context of microwaved tater tots seems especially beguiling, doesn't it? I mean obviously microwaved tots are totally arousing