Monday, July 14, 2008

How I feel is how a butt feels

Man, I feel like twenty-six types and four sub-types of ass.

  • I feel like a unique blend of domestic and imported butt.
  • I feel like a towering stack of asses.
  • I feel so much like ass that the ass I feel like feels like butt.
  • Count the grains of sand on the shores of the mighty Pacific– so inumerable and diverse are the categories of ass that would contain my physical description.
  • Mountains have been moved with less than the amount of ass and butt.
  • Ass ass butt I feel like ass.
  • Butt, and also ass, are what I feel like.
  • I feel like ass.
  • There are kinds of ass and butt that are good, but they are not the kinds of ass and butt that I feel like.
  • The stack of asses that describes my feeling is so densely packed that it has become impossible to tell whether each contiguous pair of cheeks belongs to the same or to two different asses.
  • The butts also do not smell good.
  • Imagine a world in which there are up to twelve times as many butts as people.
  • I feel like a butt that got shoved up inside of an asshole which itself is afloat upon a body of water I do not trust.
  • Strangely my own ass feels fine. It is the only part of me that does not feel like it is ass at all. It is the ass that is no ass.
  • The shape of my feelings is the shape drawn by a skilled artist rendering a line drawing of a pair of asses.
  • In my stomach there is a family reunion. It is the family reunion of the Ass family. The Ass family is a large family and they are rude.
  • It is my understanding that through a complicated system of inumerable pullies and levers, one man could move the heap of asses one inch in one minute.
  • Take all the pants in all the lands of this great world, and still you will fall short of covering even half the asses I feel like.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I love my softball team.


Anonymous said...

You compare us to butts and them tell us you love us? Is this some sort of emotionally abusive relationship you're guilting us into?

Yesterday was fun even tho we got called in the 5th inning. We should always have the last two innings be beer innings. Also, I motherfucking crushed that motherfucking ball for that sweet base hit!

I also forgot to mention that your trumpet was triumphant Saturday. It sounded the best I'd ever heard. Smoking kills! (unless you hit a homeroom. Then smoking helps you run the bases.)

Matthew Frederick said...

The Great Wall of China and Matty Lite's feeling like ass are the only to man-made objects which can be seen from Space.

kg said...

Pure empathy, Matt. I did a little yoga. I think it helped.

Anonymous said...

Contiguous, Contagious Asses Vol. II from Vivid Pictures