Thursday, December 20, 2007


I never thought in a million years I'd say something like this, but I'm uncomfortable with all this hate and vitriol directed at Roger Clemens lately. There's so many names to choose from, but even top sportswriters are getting in on this Clemens feeding frenzy. I think I figured out why the discomfort. I don't know if it's true or not, but I'm starting to suspect the media of using Roger Clemens as a white-guilt sacrifice to the gods of equality who'd call them racists when they bashed Bonds. He's being cast in the role of a reverse "great white hope"-- The One people had been waiting for to prove all these 'roid allegations weren't racially driven.

I'm not saying he isn't well cast. In this role it helps, as it does Bonds, to come across as an asshole. Nor am I saying it is such a bad thing to offer up such sacrifices. The gods are insatiable. And I'm most decidedly not saying I am now, or have ever, talked about such things through anything but my ass. I'm full of shit.


Matthew Frederick said...

Wait! Clemens is innocent! Judging from the photo, he was buying steroids for his wife.

Anonymous said...

her balls shrunk

Matthew Frederick said...

The Rocket responds.

Anonymous said...

Update: now I heard Mrs. Clemens is accused of juicing too (fuck a link, go look it up yerself). Like Darth Vader said right before he died (shit, I guess he was Anakin again by then), You were right!