Sunday, September 07, 2008

Dear Society,

I am sorry I swam in your pool without asking. I am now indebted to you, to the tune of fifty-five U.S. dollars and eight man-hours of community-geared labor. Please believe it is with utmost sincerity when I say I will pay you back. I will repay the man-hours tomorrow from eight a.m. until 5 p.m., and the dollars on October the second at four p.m. in courtroom four of your house.

We should hang out some time.


P.S. I hope things aren't gonna be "weird" between us now.


Matthew Frederick said...

Apology accepted. Now shovel that horse poop!

Sincerely yours,

SLPD Mounted Patrol

Anonymous said...

See, that would have been worth it if there were a better female:male ratio.

Anonymous said...

you're lucky you didn't get put on the dirty person list for exposing yourself to society.