Friday, May 23, 2008


You can't pretend quitting smoking isn't tragic. Smoking was your buddy and your companion for a long time. It's not like it isn't sad to see it go. You gotta mourn it. You gotta admit to yourself that smoking was awesome, and that you will miss smoking. You gotta comisserate and say smoking will always kind of be a part of you. It will always be there up in heaven, looking down on you and kind of watching your back, like your grandma, or like Jesus, or like Yoda, Anakin, and Obi-Wan. It is the great consolation but also the great tragedy that life goes on without smoking. All things must pass.


Brien said...

Goddamn pissing shame about that "The Smoking."
Only girl I could really count on, her, back when.
Always good to tap that ash, eh?

Matthew Frederick said...

Sunrise doesn't last all morning.

A cloudburst doesn't last all day.

Matthew Frederick said...

And furthermore ... the original Ewok music ending.

Anonymous said...

fuck cigarettes. but i'm gonna start again if I live to be 80. because I love them. fuck those things.

roseblablabland said...

do what you gotta do. my policy has always been: if you ride your bike as much as possible you can do what ever you want.
look how far its gotten me.
*caufh gagh bloughff spit*

roseblablabland said...

dirty and smeared. are you trying to turn my on button on