Saturday, February 25, 2006

satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas...

. . . that is to say, palindromes are awesome. If you've never seen the palindrome comic strips of Jon Agee, you're doing yourself a disservice. Come on, go read them already. There's also this sort of spooky palindrome comic right here on the internets. And let me tell you, lots of people go apeshit for this stuff. It's not just words either-- there was this guy in the 14th century who wrote a pretty big piece of palindrome music called Ma fin est ma commencement, "my end is my beginning." And it is.

I'd like to wow you with one of my own, but I have trouble getting beyond stuff like bob, mom, dad, and radar. Luckily, Hasbro has graciously laid the groundwork for this one:

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